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Drug Picture of Dulcamara

Unlocking the Healing Power of Dulcamara: Homeopathic Remedy in Focus

Dulcamara, also known as Bittersweet or Woody Nightshade, has a rich history of traditional use and played a significant role in the development of homeopathy.

Dulcamara drug picture

Dulcamara has a history of use in traditional medicine dating back centuries. It was originally used by herbalists to treat a range of ailments, particularly those related to the skin and respiratory system. In ancient herbal lore, it was believed to have properties that could alleviate symptoms of various conditions, such as skin eruptions, rheumatic pains, and even as a remedy for warts.

The use of Dulcamara in homeopathy was pioneered by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, in the late 18th century. Hahnemann conducted experiments to determine the effects of different substances on healthy individuals, a process known as "proving." He documented the symptoms produced when individuals were given Dulcamara in a diluted form, and these symptoms became the basis for its homeopathic use. Dulcamara is primarily indicated in homeopathy for conditions related to dampness, cold, and sudden changes in weather. It is often used for complaints of the skin, joints, and respiratory system, particularly when symptoms worsen in cold, wet conditions. 

Words that Describe Drug Picture of Dulcamara


In Dulcamara's homeopathic drug picture, dampness is a central theme. Individuals who require Dulcamara often exhibit a heightened sensitivity to cold and damp conditions, which can exacerbate their physical and emotional symptoms. This dampness primarily manifests in a susceptibility to ailments triggered or worsened by exposure to wet, chilly weather or damp environments. Physically, this may lead to conditions such as skin eruptions, rheumatic pains, and respiratory issues, all of which tend to be aggravated when the body experiences cold and dampness. The presence of dampness in Dulcamara's drug picture underscores its therapeutic use in addressing a wide range of complaints associated with these specific environmental and climatic factors.


Individuals who benefit from Dulcamara often exhibit a marked susceptibility to cold and chill, with symptoms worsening in cold, damp conditions. This chilliness can manifest in both physical and emotional aspects of the person's health. Physically, it may lead to conditions such as shivering, goosebumps, and aching joints exacerbated by exposure to cold air or damp weather. Emotionally, individuals may feel irritable and restless when cold, further emphasizing the relationship between the sensation of chilliness and their overall well-being. This keynote symptom of chilliness is a key factor that guides the use of Dulcamara in homeopathic practice, particularly when addressing ailments triggered or aggravated by cold and damp environments.

Changeable weather aggravation

The concept of "changeable weather aggravation" in Dulcamara's homeopathic picture refers to a significant characteristic where individuals needing this remedy experience worsened symptoms in response to fluctuating or unsettled weather conditions. These patients are notably sensitive to weather changes, especially when transitioning from warm to cold or dry to damp climates. Such shifts in weather patterns can trigger or intensify various physical and emotional complaints, making the person feel particularly vulnerable during these transitions. This keynote symptom underscores the remedy's effectiveness in addressing a range of conditions that exhibit this distinct sensitivity to weather variations, including respiratory issues, joint pains, and skin disorders, thereby guiding homeopathic practitioners in its appropriate application.

Craving for sweets

The craving for sweets in the Dulcamara homeopathic profile signifies a specific appetite pattern often observed in individuals who require this remedy. These individuals tend to have an increased desire for sugary foods and beverages. This craving for sweets can be a characteristic feature that guides the selection of Dulcamara when prescribing homeopathic treatment. It is worth noting that homeopaths consider such specific cravings and aversions, as they can be indicative of an individual's constitutional and emotional state, helping to fine-tune the selection of the appropriate remedy for addressing various physical and mental complaints.


Irritability is a prominent emotional symptom of Dulcamara. Individuals who require this remedy often exhibit heightened irritability, which can be triggered or exacerbated by various factors such as exposure to cold and damp conditions, discomfort from physical ailments, or the general effects of changeable weather. This irritability may manifest as impatience, moodiness, and a tendency to become easily frustrated or agitated. It is an essential characteristic to consider when prescribing Dulcamara, as it reflects a crucial aspect of the person's mental and emotional state, aiding homeopaths in selecting the remedy to address a wide range of conditions associated with this emotional sensitivity and irritability.


Stiffness is a distinctive physical symptom within the homeopathic profile of Dulcamara. Individuals who benefit from this remedy often experience a notable sensation of stiffness in their muscles and joints. This stiffness tends to worsen in cold, damp conditions or when exposed to abrupt weather changes. It can manifest as a sensation of rigidity, limited range of motion, or discomfort in various body parts, particularly in the neck and back. 

Ailments from exposure to cold, wet conditions

Ailments from exposure to cold, wet conditions is a fundamental characteristic of Dulcamara's homeopathic profile. Individuals who require this remedy tend to develop a range of physical and sometimes emotional complaints after being exposed to cold and damp environments. This heightened sensitivity to such conditions can lead to the exacerbation or onset of various symptoms, including respiratory issues, joint pains, skin eruptions, and digestive discomfort. Whether it's catching a cold from being in the rain or experiencing worsening rheumatic pains due to dampness, Dulcamara is often indicated when these ailments are directly linked to exposure to cold, wet weather or environments, making it a valuable remedy in addressing these specific health concerns.

Skin eruptions

Individuals who require this remedy may experience a variety of skin issues characterized by redness, itching, and eruptions that are aggravated by exposure to cold and damp conditions. These eruptions can resemble hives, eczema, or other inflammatory skin conditions, and they tend to be accompanied by discomfort, itching, and burning sensations. Dulcamara is frequently prescribed for skin complaints that worsen in cold, wet weather or when transitioning from a warm to a cold environment. Addressing these specific skin eruptions and their relationship to damp and chilly conditions is a significant focus when considering Dulcamara as a homeopathic remedy.

Rheumatic pains

Rheumatic pains in Dulcamara's homeopathic profile are characterized by a specific pattern of discomfort in the muscles and joints. Individuals needing this remedy often experience aching, stiffness, and soreness in various parts of their body, particularly in the muscles and joints of the neck, back, and limbs. These pains tend to worsen in cold, damp conditions or during sudden weather changes. The rheumatic pains associated with Dulcamara are often described as shifting or migrating, meaning they may change location or intensify with changes in the weather. This distinctive pattern of rheumatic discomfort, aggravated by exposure to cold and dampness. 

Glandular swellings

Glandular swelling refers to the tendency of individuals needing this remedy to develop enlarged or swollen lymph nodes or glands. These glandular swellings can occur in various parts of the body, but they are often noticeable in the throat or neck region. These swellings are typically associated with discomfort, tenderness, and may be aggravated by exposure to cold and damp conditions. In the Dulcamara picture, the presence of glandular swelling is an important symptom to consider when prescribing the remedy, especially when it is part of a larger clinical picture involving sensitivity to cold, damp weather, and other characteristic symptoms.

Keynote Symptoms of Dulcamara:

- Aggravation of symptoms in cold, damp weather
- Skin issues worsened by exposure to dampness
- Rheumatic pains that improve with warmth and worsen with cold
- Respiratory complaints, especially when triggered by cold, damp air
- Glandular swellings, particularly in the throat or neck
- Restlessness and irritability with physical discomfort
- Strong cravings for sweets
- Muscle stiffness and weakness, especially in the neck and back
- Joint pains that shift or migrate

Remedy Relationship of Dulcamara

1. Antidotes: 

   - Dulcamara antidotes Camphora (Camph) and Cuprum (Cupr). This means that if a person experiences adverse effects from Camphora or Cuprum, Dulcamara can be considered as a potential remedy to counteract those effects.

2. Complementary:

   - Baryta carbonica (Baryta carb) is considered complementary to Dulcamara. Complementary remedies are often used together to enhance the overall effect of treatment. In this case, Baryta carb may be used alongside Dulcamara when there is a need for their combined action in addressing specific health issues.

3. Incompatible:

   - Dulcamara is considered incompatible with Belladonna (Bellad) and Lachesis (Laches). This suggests that if a person has been prescribed Belladonna or Lachesis and experiences an aggravation or interference of symptoms when taking Dulcamara, it may be best to avoid using Dulcamara during that period.

4. Comparison with Pimpinella (Bibernell):

   - Dulcamara shares some similarities with Pimpinella, another homeopathic remedy. Both remedies are known for their effects on the respiratory mucous membrane, making them potentially useful for conditions involving sensitivity to draughts and cold air. Common symptoms associated with both remedies include pain and coldness in the occiput and nape (the back of the neck), weakness in the entire body, a heavy head, drowsiness, lumbago (lower back pain), stiff neck, pain extending from the nape to the shoulder, and chilliness.
   - Additionally, Dulcamara is compared to other remedies such as Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus), Cimicifuga (Cimicif), Calcarea carbonica (Calc), Pulsatilla (Puls), Bryonia (Bry), and Natrum sulphuricum (Nat sulph). These comparisons suggest that these remedies may share certain symptom patterns or indications, allowing a homeopath to consider them as alternatives or additions to the treatment plan, depending on the patient's specific symptoms.

Dulcamara, in homeopathy, presents a drug picture primarily marked by its affinity for conditions aggravated by cold, damp weather or exposure to wet environments. It is especially indicated for individuals with respiratory mucous membrane sensitivity to cold air, leading to symptoms like coughs and congestion. Musculoskeletal discomfort, including lumbago and stiffness in the neck and nape, is also characteristic, often accompanied by a pervasive sense of weakness, a heavy head, and drowsiness. Chilliness is a prominent feature, and patients who may benefit from Dulcamara often exhibit susceptibility to cold. Understanding its complementary and incompatible remedies, such as Baryta carbonica and its incompatibility with Belladonna and Lachesis, further aids in the accurate prescription of Dulcamara in individualized homeopathic treatment.

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