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Fundamental Cause of Chronic Disease : Psora

Psora Miasm: The Silent Instigator of Chronic Imbalances

In homeopathy, a miasm is a fundamental concept used to describe the underlying cause or predisposition to certain types of chronic diseases. The term "miasm" originated from the Greek word "miaino," which means to pollute or taint. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, introduced the concept of miasms to explain the deeper origins of diseases.

According to Hahnemann, miasms are inherited predispositions or influences that can affect an individual's susceptibility to various ailments. They are considered to be inherited disease diatheses that can be passed down through generations. Miasms are believed to be energetic in nature and can manifest as a disturbance or imbalance in the vital force, the life energy that governs health and well-being.

Miasm psora

Overview of different miasms in homeopathy:

In homeopathy, Hahnemann described three primary miasms: psora, sycosis, and syphilis. These miasms are believed to represent different underlying disease tendencies and have distinct characteristics. Here's an overview of each miasm:

Psora Miasm:

The psora miasm is considered the most fundamental and widespread miasm in homeopathy. It is believed to be the underlying cause of numerous chronic diseases and is associated with various skin manifestations. Psora is derived from the Greek word "psora," which means itch.

Characteristics of the psora miasm include:

  • Predominantly external manifestations on the skin, such as rashes, eczema, and itching.
  • Itchiness is often worsened by heat, touch, or cold weather.
  • Mental and emotional symptoms, including anxiety, restlessness, and irritability.
  • Digestive disturbances, such as food intolerances and sensitivities.
  • A tendency to develop chronic diseases with a slow, insidious onset.

Sycosis Miasm:

The sycosis miasm is primarily associated with diseases of the genitourinary system and is believed to be transmitted through sexual contact. It is derived from the Greek word "sycosis," which refers to fig warts.

Characteristics of the sycosis miasm include:

  • Genitourinary symptoms, such as urinary tract infections, genital warts, and discharges.
  • An inclination towards chronic inflammation and swelling, particularly in the mucous membranes.
  • Emotional symptoms, including mood swings, jealousy, and possessiveness.
  • A tendency to develop growths or benign tumors.

Syphilis Miasm:

The syphilis miasm is associated with the sexually transmitted infection syphilis. It is considered the most destructive and profound of the miasms. Syphilis is derived from the name of a shepherd in a poem by the ancient Greek poet Theocritus.

Characteristics of the syphilis miasm include:

  • A progressive and destructive nature, affecting multiple organs and systems. 
  • Ulcerations, lesions, and destruction of tissues.
  • Neurological symptoms, including cognitive impairments, tremors, and paralysis.
  • Emotional symptoms, such as depression, despair, and self-destructive tendencies.
  • A tendency to develop chronic and degenerative diseases.


Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, developed the concept of miasm psora as part of his overall theory of disease. Hahnemann lived during the late 18th and early 19th centuries when the understanding of disease and its causes was still evolving. He observed that certain chronic diseases seemed to have no apparent cause and were not easily cured by conventional medical treatments.

In his work, Hahnemann proposed the existence of a fundamental underlying cause for these chronic diseases, which he called "miasm." The term "miasm" was borrowed from the ancient Greek concept of pollution or contamination. Hahnemann believed that miasms were inherited or acquired through exposure to certain environmental factors. The miasm he called "psora" was the primary miasm, which he believed to be responsible for a wide range of chronic conditions, including skin diseases, allergies, and mental disorders.

Hahnemann described psora as a chronic miasmatic disease arising from an underlying constitutional weakness. He believed that it was caused by the suppression of certain skin eruptions or by the improper treatment of skin diseases in the past. According to Hahnemann, psora was characterized by a vital disturbance in the individual's life force, which manifested as a variety of symptoms and ailments. Hahnemann's concept of miasm psora influenced the development of homeopathic theory and practice, emphasizing the need to address the underlying miasmatic imbalance in order to achieve true healing.

Characteristics And Features Of The Psora Miasm

Primary Symptoms and Manifestations:

The psora miasm is associated with a range of primary symptoms and manifestations, primarily centered around the skin. These may include various types of skin eruptions such as eczema, rashes, itching, dryness, or discharge. The skin symptoms can appear in different parts of the body and may vary in intensity and duration. Psora is also associated with a tendency towards allergies, hypersensitivity, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects:

The psora miasm is known to have psychological and emotional implications. Individuals affected by psora may experience feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and a general sense of dissatisfaction. They may exhibit a lack of confidence and may struggle with low self-esteem. Hahnemann believed that the psoric miasm could also contribute to emotional reactivity, mood swings, and irritability.

Impact on Physical Health:

The psora miasm is considered to have a significant impact on an individual's physical health. Hahnemann believed that psora could weaken the vital force, resulting in a lowered resistance to disease. This miasm is associated with a range of physical symptoms, including digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and food sensitivities. Other physical manifestations may include fatigue, lack of vitality, frequent colds or respiratory infections, and poor healing capacity.

Influence on Chronic Diseases:

Hahnemann proposed that the psora miasm plays a significant role in the development and progression of chronic diseases. He believed that the unresolved psoric miasm could give rise to other miasms, such as sycosis and syphilis. Furthermore, Hahnemann suggested that individuals with a predominant psoric miasm would have a predisposition towards chronic ailments, with the potential for various organ dysfunctions, autoimmune disorders, and mental health conditions.

Causes and Development of Psora Miasm

Factors leading to the development of the psora miasm

1. Suppression of Skin Eruptions and Diseases:

According to Samuel Hahnemann's theory, one of the main factors leading to the development of the psora miasm is the suppression of skin eruptions and diseases. Hahnemann believed that when skin eruptions, such as eczema or rashes, were treated with external applications or medications that only suppressed the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause, it could drive the disease deeper into the body. This suppression, instead of allowing the eruption to complete its natural healing process, was thought to contribute to the formation of the psoric miasm.

2. Lifestyle Factors and Environmental Influences:

Various lifestyle factors and environmental influences can contribute to the development of the psora miasm. Hahnemann emphasized that poor diet, unhygienic living conditions, exposure to toxins, and unhealthy habits like excessive alcohol consumption or drug use could weaken an individual's constitution and make them more susceptible to the miasmatic influence of psora. Stress, both physical and emotional, was also believed to play a role in the development and aggravation of psoric miasm.

3. Genetic Predisposition and Susceptibility:

Hahnemann recognized that individuals could have a genetic predisposition and inherent susceptibility to the psora miasm. Some people may have a family history of chronic diseases associated with the psoric miasm, indicating a genetic predisposition towards developing the miasmatic influence. However, it is important to note that Hahnemann's understanding of genetics was limited compared to modern genetics, and contemporary scientific understanding of genetic factors influencing disease susceptibility is more complex and multifactorial.

Progression and evolution of psora miasm over time

1. Acute to Chronic Transition:

The progression of the psora miasm involves a transition from acute to chronic states. Initially, psoric symptoms may manifest as acute skin eruptions or diseases, such as eczema or itching. If these acute symptoms are suppressed or not properly treated, the disease can become chronic. Hahnemann believed that the underlying psora miasm would continue to influence the individual's health, leading to a chronic state characterized by recurrent and persistent symptoms.

2. Subtle Symptoms and Latent Stage:

As the psora miasm progresses, there may be a subtle and insidious evolution of symptoms. Hahnemann described a latent stage in which the miasmatic influence remains dormant or less pronounced. During this stage, individuals may not exhibit obvious or overt signs of psoric manifestation. However, the miasmatic energy continues to affect the vital force and weaken the individual's overall health, preparing the groundwork for future symptomatology.

3. Manifestation in Various Organs and Systems:

Over time, the psora miasm can manifest in various organs and systems of the body. Hahnemann believed that psora had a profound impact on the individual's constitution, and its influence extended beyond just the skin. Psora was thought to contribute to systemic imbalances and could affect different organ systems, such as the respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, or musculoskeletal system. This wide-ranging influence of psora on various organs and systems accounts for the diverse range of chronic diseases associated with this miasm.

Diagnosis and Recognition of Psora Miasm

A. Clinical Assessment and Observation of Symptoms:

Diagnosis and recognition of the psora miasm typically involve a comprehensive clinical assessment and observation of symptoms. Homeopathic practitioners look for characteristic signs and symptoms associated with psora, such as skin eruptions, itching, dryness, and allergies. The nature and appearance of the skin manifestations, along with the accompanying symptoms, are carefully evaluated to identify the presence of the psoric miasm.

B. Psychological and Emotional Indicators:

Psychological and emotional indicators play a role in the recognition of the psora miasm. Homeopathic practitioners assess the patient's emotional state, looking for signs of restlessness, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Mood swings, irritability, and emotional reactivity are also considered potential indicators of the psoric miasm.

C. Evaluation of Patient History and Family Background:

Understanding the patient's medical history and family background is crucial in diagnosing the psora miasm. Homeopathic practitioners inquire about the patient's past and present skin conditions, including any history of suppressed or improperly treated skin eruptions. Additionally, a family history of chronic diseases associated with the psoric miasm, such as allergies, asthma, or skin disorders, may suggest a genetic predisposition to this miasm.

D. Differentiating Psora Miasm from Other Miasms:

Differentiating the psora miasm from other miasms is important for accurate diagnosis. Homeopathic practitioners use various diagnostic tools and techniques to differentiate psora from other miasms, such as sycosis and syphilis. They carefully assess the symptoms, modalities, and characteristics of the patient's overall disease picture to determine the predominant miasmatic influence. The presence or absence of specific symptoms associated with each miasm helps in distinguishing between them.

Treatment of Psora Miasm

A. Homeopathic Remedies Commonly Used for Psora Miasm:

Homeopathy offers a range of remedies that are commonly used in the treatment of the psora miasm. Here are a few examples:

  • Sulphur: Sulphur is a frequently prescribed remedy for psora. It is indicated when there are various skin symptoms such as itching, burning, and dryness. Sulphur is also known to address digestive issues, respiratory problems, and mental-emotional symptoms associated with psora. Read drug picture of Sulphur
  • Psorinum: Psorinum is derived from the nosode prepared from the psora miasm itself. It is often indicated when there is a deep-seated psoric influence and chronicity. Psorinum is known to address skin conditions, offensive discharges, general weakness, and mental-emotional disturbances.
  • Calcarea Carbonica: Calcarea carbonica is indicated when there is a constitutional weakness and a tendency towards obesity. It is prescribed for individuals who experience skin eruptions, digestive problems, cold and dampness sensitivity, and anxiety associated with the psora miasm.
  • Graphites: Graphites is a remedy indicated for individuals with dry, rough skin and slow healing tendencies. It is commonly used for skin conditions, including eczema and cracks in the skin. Graphites can also address gastrointestinal issues and mental-emotional symptoms like indecisiveness and low self-esteem.

B. Selection of Remedies Based on Symptom Similarity and Individualization:

In homeopathy, the selection of remedies is based on the principle of "like cures like." The homeopathic practitioner carefully assesses the patient's symptoms, modalities, and overall disease picture to find a remedy that closely matches the individual's symptom similarity. Each person is unique, and the choice of remedy is tailored to their specific symptoms and characteristics. This process of individualization ensures that the treatment addresses the underlying psoric miasm and the person as a whole.

C. Role of Lifestyle Changes and Supportive Therapies:

Alongside homeopathic remedies, lifestyle changes and supportive therapies play a vital role in the treatment of the psora miasm. Homeopathic practitioners may advise patients to make dietary modifications, such as eliminating trigger foods or improving nutrition. Lifestyle recommendations, including stress management techniques, regular exercise, and proper hygiene, are also emphasized. Additionally, complementary therapies like naturopathy, acupuncture, or counseling may be used to support the healing process and address the individual's overall well-being.

The concept of the psora miasm, as developed by Samuel Hahnemann, sheds light on the underlying causes of chronic imbalances and diseases. The psora miasm is characterized by its impact on the skin, transitioning from acute to chronic states, and its influence on various organs and systems. Recognizing and diagnosing the psora miasm involves clinical assessment, observation of symptoms, evaluation of patient history, and differentiation from other miasms.

Homeopathy offers a range of remedies commonly used for the treatment of the psora miasm, such as Sulphur, Psorinum, Calcarea carbonica, and Graphites. The selection of remedies is based on symptom similarity and individualization, tailoring the treatment to the unique characteristics of each person. Alongside homeopathic remedies, lifestyle changes and supportive therapies play a significant role in addressing the psoric miasm, including dietary modifications, stress management, exercise, and complementary therapies.

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