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Notes on Repertory

Repertory notes for Competitive Exam

  • According to Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of English Language (1755) “Repertory means a treasure or a book which anything is to be found”
  • According to Thesaurus; Farlex clipart collection, Princeton University; “ A repertory is a storehouse where a stock of things is kept; the entire range of skills or aptitude or devices used in a particular field or occupation. ”
  • As per the Dictionary of collective noun and group terms, “Repertory is a storehouse of knowledge; repertoire. ”


Repertory is a systematically and logically arranged index to the homoeopathic materia medica, which is full of information collected from toxicology, drug proving and clinical experience.

- Repertory is connecting link between materia medica and disease.

Where to use repertory

- Chronic cases where several remedies seem to cover the picture.

- Mismanaged cases

- Cases which do not show a clear picture and the related group of remedies

- To trace out the probable sequence of remedies

- To differentiate between seemingly indicated remedy.

- To work out relationship of remedies and second prescription.

Where not to use repertory

- In those cases where there are clear indications of the simillimum. 

Uses of Repertory

• To find out simillimum.

• As a reference book.

• It helps to study of homeopathy in relation to modern pathology.

• It helps the study of materia medica.

• Helps in refreshing the knowledge of materia medica.

• Helps to find out complete symptoms.

• Helpful in selection of drug for second prescription.

• Helps in formulating the questions during case taking

• Helps in synthesis of new rubric.

Limitations of Repertory

• Repertory suggest a small group of medicine and not the simillimum.

• Different repertoires by different authors are based on their own philosophy and follow their own plan of construction. Thus, each one has its own scope and limitations.

• “Every repertory is useful, unfortunately not one is complete” – Boger.

• Many rubrics are not represented well.

• Repertory cannot give guidance regarding potency doses and repetition schedule.

• Nosodes are not represented properly in any repertory. 

Classification of Repertory

Repertories have been classified into various groups by different authors, but no standard classification prevails. 

Frequently used classification are as follow:

1. Based on philosophical concept :

This repertories have distinctive principles of their own. These repertories belong to logical utilitarian group. On the basis of philosophy they further classified into :

  • Based on Concept of General to Particular

    • Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. J. T. Kent
    • Lippe's repertory
    • Synthetic repertory by Dr. Barthel and Dr. Will Klunker
    • Kent's repertorium generale by Kunzli
    • Homoeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy
    • Synthesis by Fredrick Schroyens
    • Complete repertory and Repertorium Universale by Zandvoort

  • Based on Concept of Particular to General

    • Based on the Doctrine of analogy and concomitant
      • Therapeutic Pocket book by Boenninghausen
    • Based on complete symptoms, concomitants and pathological general
      • Boenninghausen’s characteristics and Repertory by Boger.
      • Synoptic key of Materia medica by Boger.

2. Repertories having no distinctive Philosophy:

They are also cold concordance repertories. These repertory are used for the purpose of reference and not for systematic repertorization. They belongs to Puritan group.

• Knerr's repertory to Hering guiding symptoms

• The Concordance Repertory of the Materia medica by Gentry (6 volumes)

3. Clinical Repertory :

This repertory have clinical rubrics under different system.

  • Covering whole body

    • Clinical repertory to Boericke’s materia medica
    • Clinical repertory by J. H. Clarke.

  • Dealing with disease condition or a part

    • On specific part
      • Berridge’s Eyes

      • Morgan’s urinary organs
      • Minton's uterus
    • On clinical conditions
      • Robert's Rheumatic Medicines
      • Bell's diarrhea
      • Allen’s repertory of intermittent fever

4. Card Repertories :

  • Kishore's card repertory
  • Boger's card index
  • Field's card repertory
  • P. Shankaran's card repertory
  • Sharma's card repertory

5. Mechanically Aided Repertories :

  • CARA
  • Organon 96
  • Mac repertory
  • Dolphin
  • Hompath

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